Monday, January 20th 2025, 11h30, Room 454 A, Condorcet Building.
Michael Le Bars
IRPHÉ (Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes Hors Équilibre)
UMR 7342 CNRS, Centrale Méditerranée, Aix-Marseille Université
Iron snow in planetary interiors
The surprising magnetic fields observed in some small celestial bodies, such as Mercury and Ganymede, may be attributed to “iron snow” resulting from the top-down solidification of their otherwise stably stratified liquid cores. This complex dynamic combines phase-changing, two-phase flows with buoyancy effects. Its modeling has, until now, been oversimplified, schematically assuming a constant flux of buoyancy in both space and time, associated with the remelting of uniform-sized crystals at the bottom of a motionless, stably stratified snow zone. By combining laboratory analog experiments and idealized numerical simulations, we further investigate the fluid motions that could lead to dynamo action. In particular, we highlight the role of supercooling and the two-way coupling between flakes and flows, which result in a wide distribution of flake sizes and contribute to a dynamic that is episodic in time and heterogeneous in space.
Figure caption: sugar snow in a laboratory setup. Dyed sugar flakes are sieved at a fixed mass rate from the top into a 30 cm-high tank of water. As they fall, they progressively dissolve, generating markedly different flows depending on the fixed mean diameter of the flakes (from left to right: 300, 200, and 90 micrometers).
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