MSC Seminar. 15/01/2024. Sylvie Coscoy (Institut Curie): “3D controlled fiber arrays to monitor cell-matrix interactions”


Monday, January 15th, 11h30, Room 454 A, Condorcet Building.

Sylvie Coscoy

3D controlled fiber arrays to monitor cell-matrix interactions

Cell migration, morphology and fate are highly dependent on the geometrical, mechanical and chemical properties of their 3D fibrillar microenvironment. Our aim is to build fully controlled 3D architectures of deformable fibers, and then to assess cell dynamics and mechanics in these systems mimicking prototypical organizations of the extracellular matrix. To this end, we use two-photon polymerization, for its high spatial resolution as well as for its flexibility to locally control chemistry and mechanics. I will present our past works describing the induction of epithelial basal protrusions and endothelial filopodia by microtopographies in such systems, and I will focus on our current developments for 3D deformable fibrillary networks, one of the system’s assets being the integrated detection of 3D forces exerted by the cells. The technological advances developed in microfabrication and chemistry could subsequently benefit other types of studies aimed at reconstituting a greater level of complexity of the extracellular matrix in a controlled and reproducible 3D context.


Endothelial HUVECs cells (green, F-actin labeling) on suspended deformable fibers (red), image Pierre Ucla

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