Exceptionnal schedule.
Tuesday, November 5th, 11h00, Room 366 A level 3,
Condorcet Building.
Thomas Boudou
Equipe Microtiss
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique
Université Grenoble Alpes
Engineering and actuating 3D microtissues
Tissue engineering aims to create functional and physiological tissues in vitro. In this seminar, I will first describe a microfabrication technique for engineering 3D microtissues that serve as tissue models to complement conventional 2D cell cultures and animal models. I will give an overview of the use of these models to assess cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle or stromal tissue contractility, as well as to screen the effects of mechanical parameters, drugs or mutations on tissue formation and maturation. I will then present several approaches developed in our team to actuate these engineered tissues, using electrical, mechanical or optogenetic stimulation, in order to gain information on the functional capacities and mechanical properties of the tissue.
Legend: 3/4 cross-section of a fibroblast microtissue suspended between two flexible cantilevers acting as force sensors. Cells are stained for actin (green), collagen I (magenta) and nuclei (blue), with the cantilevers shown in gray. The distance between cantilever bases is 450 µm.
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