MSC Seminar. 22/01/2024. Philippe Marcq (PMMH, SU, ESPCI): “Tissue rheology: a focus on short timescales”


Monday, January 22th, 11h30, Room 454 A, Condorcet Building.

Philippe Marcq

Tissue rheology:
a focus on short timescale

Tissue rheology on time scales shorter than a typical cell cycle is complex, and holds many unanswered questions. In this talk,
I will first discuss the nonlinear fractional rheology of magnetized cell aggregates, leading to stress stiffening at high applied stresses.
Second, I will explain, using simple geometries, how parameters of “microscopic” models describing cell cortex rheology may be mapped
analytically to parameters of “macroscopic” models describing the complex modulus of a cell monolayer. If time permits I will
finally address the rheology of Hydra spheres during early regeneration.


Crédits: O. Cochet-Escartin
Parallelized microaspiration of six Hydra tissue spheres. Endoderm is shown in magenta and ectoderm in green.


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