- “Relation between quadrupole ultrasonic resonance and shear viscoelasticity of polymer droplets with different glass transition temperatures“, Kenichiro Ishimoto, Kazuto Tsuji, Mayu Hiromoto, Valentin Leroy, and Tomohisa Norisuye, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (2024). This is a free article.
“Bubble entrapment by drop impact: Combined effect of surface tension and viscosity“, Vincent Gourmandie, Juliette Pierre, Valentin Leroy, Caroline Derec, Phys. Rev. Fluids (2024). HAL
- “Acoustic responses of underwater superhydrophobic surfaces subjected to an intense pulse“, Adrien Bussonnière, Qingxia Chad Liu, Peichun Amy Tsai, JFM (2023). This article is on HAL
- “Detailed characterization of aeration in lubricating oils by an ultrasonic approach“, Che Zhan, A. Saint-Jalmes, M. Receveur, H. El Bahi, F. Rondelez, V. Leroy, Tribology International (2022). This article is on HAL.
- “A toy model for the effective density of acoustic metamaterials“, Juliette Pierre, Valentin Leroy and Benjamin Dollet, Proceedings of the Royal Society A (2022). Version libre.
- [Conference] “Locally resonant metamaterials for underwater acoustic applications: comparison of an analytical model with experimental results”, Christian Audoly, Valentin Leroy, ICSV28 (2022). PDF

- “Three-dimensional acoustic lensing with a bubbly diamond metamaterial“, Maxime Lanoy, Fabrice Lemoult, Geoffroy Lerosey, Arnaud Tourin, Valentin Leroy, and John H. Page, J. Appl. Phys. (2021). Version libre.
- “Cavitation Nuclei Regeneration in a Water-Particle Suspension“, Adrien Bussonnière, Qingxia Liu, Peichun Amy Tsai, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2020). Version libre
- “Acoustic Sensing of Forces Driving Fast Capillary Flows“, Adrien Bussonnière, Arnaud Antkowiak, François Ollivier, Michaël Baudoin, and Régis Wunenburger, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2020). Version libre.
- “A new insight on a mechanism of airborne and underwater sound of a drop impacting a liquid surface“, G. Gillot, C. Derec, J.-M. Génevaux, L. Simon, L. Benyahia, Physics of Fluids (2020)
- “Phenomenological law for the acoustic reflection by an array of cylindrical cavities in a soft elastic medium“, M. Thieury, V. Leroy , J. Dassé, and A. Tourin, J. Appl. Phys. (2020). Version libre
- “The Acoustics of Liquid Foams“, Florence Elias, Jérôme Crassous, Caroline Derec, Benjamin Dollet, Wiebke Drenckhan, Cyprien Gay, Valentin Leroy, Camille Noûs, Juliette Pierre, Arnaud Saint-Jalmes, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science (2020).
- “Ultrasound transmission through monodisperse 2D microfoams“, L. Champougny, J. Pierre, A. Devulder, V. Leroy, and M.-C. Jullien, Eur. Phys. J. E (2019)
- [Conference] “Effect of hydrostatic pressure on a bubble anechoic metascreen”, M. Thieury, A. Tourin, J. Dassé and V. Leroy, Metamaterials Conference (2019). PDF
- [Thesis] “Propagation acoustique dans les mousses liquides et les mousses solides membranaires”, Camille Gaulon, 30 septembre 2019
- “Acoustic absorption of solid foams with thin membranes“, C. Gaulon, J. Pierre, C. Derec, L. Jaouen, F.-X. Bécot, F. Chevillotte, F. Elias, W. Drenckhan, and V. Leroy, Applied Physics Letters (2018). L’article sur HAL.
- “Acoustics of Bubble Arrays : Role Played by the Dipole Response of Bubbles“, V. Leroy, N. Chastrette, M. Thieury, O. Lombard, and A. Tourin, Fluids (2018)
- “A Phononic Crystal-Based High Frequency Rheometer“, M. Lanoy, A. Bretagne, V. Leroy, A. Tourin, Crystals (2018)
- “Multiple scattering of an ultrasonic shock wave in bubbly media”, O. Lombard, N. Viard, V. Leroy, C. Barrière, Eur. Phys. J. E (2018)
- “Dissipation of ultrasonic and audible sound waves in liquid foams”, C. Gaulon, J. Pierre, V. Leroy, F. Elias, C. Derec, Acta Acustica united with Acustica (2018)
- “Acoustic double negativity induced by position correlations within a disordered set of monopolar resonators“, M. Lanoy, J.H. Page, G. Lerosey, F. Lemoult, A. Tourin and V. Leroy, Phys. Rev. B (2017)
- “Investigating the origin of acoustic attenuation in liquid foams“, J. Pierre, C. Gaulon, C. Derec, F. Elias and V. Leroy, Eur. Phys. J. E (2017)
- “Time-resolved ultrasonic spectroscopy for bubbles“, V. Leroy, A. Strybulevych, and T. Norisuye, AIChE journal (2017)
- “Ultrasonic Subwavelength Phase Conjugated Mirror with a Layer of Bubbles“, O. Lombard, C. Barrière and V. Leroy, Ultrasonics (2017)
- “Vibration of soap films and Plateau borders, as elementary blocks of a vibrating liquid foam“, F. Elias, S. Kosgodagan Acharige, L. Rose, C. Gay, V. Leroy and C. Derec, Colloids Surf. A (2017)
- V. Leroy, A. Bretagne, M. Lanoy, and A. Tourin, “Band gaps in bubble phononic crystals“, AIP Advances (2016). PDF
- V. Leroy and T. Norisuye, “Investigating the existence of bulk nanobubbles with ultrasound“, ChemPhysChem (2016)
- V. Leroy, “Acoustique des bulles : du milieu bulleux à la mousse liquide“, HDR Université Paris Diderot (2016)
- C. Derec, V. Leroy, D. Kaurin, L. Arbogast, C. Gay and F. Elias, “Propagation of a transverse wave on a foam microchannel“, EPL (2015) (pdf)
- M. Lanoy, C. Derec, A. Tourin, V. Leroy, “Manipulating bubbles with secondary Bjerknes forces“, Appl. Phys. Lett. (2015) (pdf)
- O. Lombard, C. Barrière and V. Leroy, “Nonlinear multiple scattering of acoustic waves by a layer of bubbles“, EPL (2015) (pdf)
- M. Lanoy, R. Pierrat, F. Lemoult, M. Fink, V. Leroy, A. Tourin, “Time reversal sub-wavelength focusing in bubbly media“, Phys. Rev. B (2015) (pdf)
- S. Mariot, V. Leroy, J. Pierre, F. Elias, E. Bouthemya, D. Langevin, W. Drenckhan, “An FFT approach to the analysis of dynamic properties of gas/liquid interfaces“, Colloids Surf. A (2015) (pdf)
- V. Leroy, A. Strybulevych, M. Lanoy, F. Lemoult, A. Tourin, J.H. Page, “Super-Absorption of Acoustic Waves with Bubble Meta-Screens“, Phys. Rev. B (2015) (pdf)

- J. Pierre, B. Dollet, V. Leroy, “Resonant Acoustic Propagation and Negative Density in Liquid Foams“, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2014) (pdf)