Physics of Living Systems
In the Physics of Living Systems team, we study the physical mechanisms underlying the fundamental processes of living organisms. Our activities are mainly experimental, but also include modeling. Our research focuses on different types of animal and plant organisms, whose behavior we characterize in physiological and pathological contexts (cancer, myopathies, Alzheimer’s disease), with implications for environmental health. The scale of our studies ranges from the sub-cellular to cell aggregates and tissues.
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Curious movie #1
A cell aggregate is aspired through a constriction[iframe...

Internship/PhD on Hydrogels for adsorption of toxic metals
Proposal for master internship/PhD Hydrogels and composites with optimal efficiency and minimal environmental impact for adsorption of toxic metals The increasing demand for water due to technology and industrial activity has led to the use of hydrogels to treat...

Postdoc on the acoustics of membrane materials
As part of the Membranes project, the MSC laboratory is carrying out experimental research into the acoustic properties of membrane media, i.e. media whose internal structure contains thin layers of materials that can provide an original elastic response [1]. Examples...

Postdoc on heterogenous cavitation
We are looking for a post-doc to join our research team and perform experiment on heterogeneous cavitation to explore the origin of cavitation nuclei. The apparition of macroscopic bubbles inside a liquid either by boiling when temperature increases, from cavitation...

Bubble entrapment by drop impact
Only under certain conditions does a drop falling onto a bath entrap an air bubble. We propose a phenomenological law that describes these bubbling conditions in terms of Froude, Weber, and capillary numbers.Figure. Superimposed images of a drop and the cavity it...
18-month post-doctoral fellowship on pulmonary surfactant
Structure and rheology of pulmonary surfactantResearch The INHALE project, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), seeks to investigate the viability of surfactant replacement therapy in adults afflicted with respiratory disorders. Pulmonary surfactant is...