
Lectures on the theory of evolution

These lectures given by Jean-Pierre Henry between 2017 and 2018 trace the evolution of species through time.

EU Ecological Transition

This EU Ecological Transition is presented by Gaelle Charron

Postdoc on heterogenous cavitation

Postdoc on heterogenous cavitation

We are looking for a post-doc to join our research team and perform experiment on heterogeneous cavitation to explore the origin of cavitation nuclei. The apparition of macroscopic bubbles inside a liquid either by boiling when temperature increases, from cavitation...

Bubble entrapment by drop impact

Bubble entrapment by drop impact

Only under certain conditions does a drop falling onto a bath entrap an air bubble. We propose a phenomenological law that describes these bubbling conditions in terms of Froude, Weber, and capillary numbers.Figure. Superimposed images of a drop and the cavity it...

Alice Pelosse honored by the French Rheology Group

Alice Pelosse honored by the French Rheology Group

Alice Pelosse, a PhD student from the MSC laboratory, who completed her thesis on capillary flow in suspensions under the supervision of Matthieu Roché and Elisabeth Guazzelli, has been awarded the 2024 thesis prize by the Groupe Français de Rhéologie (GFR).During her...

Publications of “Acoustics and soft matter”

Publications of “Acoustics and soft matter”

2024 "Relation between quadrupole ultrasonic resonance and shear viscoelasticity of polymer droplets with different glass transition temperatures", Kenichiro Ishimoto, Kazuto Tsuji, Mayu Hiromoto, Valentin Leroy, and Tomohisa Norisuye, Japanese Journal of Applied...