On Friday April 26, 2024, the MSC laboratory trained 62 physics-chemistry teachers from the Académie de Créteil on the theme of “Bringing experience into the classroom”. A colorful day.
On Friday April 26, 2024, the MSC laboratory welcomed 62 physics and chemistry teachers from the Académie de Créteil for a day of training to stimulate classroom experimentation, both demonstrative and project-based. This day, organized by the CNRS Paris Villejuif delegation (M. Morand, F. Bénard), the Académie de Créteil and the MSC laboratory (Nicolas Chevalier, CR CNRS communication correspondent), is part of an intensification of exchanges between research and primary or secondary education. Following an introduction by C. Bruyère (Inspectrice générale de l’éducation, du sport et de la recherche en physique-chimie), S. Martrenchard (Déléguée scientifique et responsable communication à CNRS Physique) and N. Chevalier, the day opened with a lecture on the thermodynamics of the Earth system by Gaëlle Charron, senior lecturer at the MSC laboratory. This was followed by workshops featuring live experiments, designed to stimulate a “hands-on” approach to physics and physics education, on themes as varied as “From small household appliances to physics”, “Introduction to Arduino”, “Using your smartphone for physics” and “Chaos and weather”. The laboratory would like to thank all the speakers: G. Charron, C. Gay, T. Savy, V. Fleury, S. Perrard, A. Eddi, S. Douady, M. Berhanu, N. Chevalier, V. Leroy, G. le Lay, as well as the CNRS Paris Villejuif delegation, the Université Paris Cité and the Académie de Créteil for their logistical and communication support in the run-up to the event.
Link to download the full program for the day.
All presentations will be made available to teachers and on the Académie de Créteil website.