Alice Pelosse, a PhD student from the MSC laboratory, who completed her thesis on capillary flow in suspensions under the supervision of Matthieu Roché and Elisabeth Guazzelli, has been awarded the 2024 thesis prize by the Groupe Français de Rhéologie (GFR).
During her thesis at the Matière et Systèmes Complexes laboratory, Alice Pelosse explored several canonical examples of capillary flows in suspensions, i.e. flows involving micrometer-sized particles close to a free interface. These studies have, for example, examined the spreading of a drop or the destabilization of a thin film under its own weight. The addition of particles sometimes preserves the same laws as those of simple fluids, but sometimes requires minor adjustments through the use of effective properties, or, in some cases, generates entirely different dynamics where the competition between dissipation, capillarity and extreme particle confinement requires a new approach.

Dr. Alice Pelosse in Santa Barbara, recipient of the GFR 2024 thesis award, is now a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Chicago.
The MSC laboratory congratulates him and wishes him every success for the rest of his career.